Experience Matters
Divorce and other family law maters reshape your life and your family. You need to ensure that the outcome of your matter is as favorable as possible to you and your best interests. At Genesis Family Law we have decades of combined experience that have allowed us to secure positive outcomes for our clients in even the most difficult and complex situations. Leslie L. Abrigo and Colleen A. Warren are both a California Bar Board Certified Family Law Specialist in addition Ms. Warren is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, they strive to do what is necessary to truly help their clients build the best tomorrow for themselves.
Practice Areas
Prenuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements
Divorce / Domestic Violence
Child Custody and Support
Assisted Reproduction / Adoption
Spousal Support
Mediation and Discovery Referee Services
High-Net Worth Divorce
Uncovering Assets
Talking About the “F” Word
Finances: How To protect Yourself In Marriage
A Facebook Live Interview With Leslie Abrigo Thursday, Nov. 2, 11:00 AM PT.
Money can be a challenging topic for any couple. We’re never taught how to talk about money and then we get married!
Join Alisa DiLorenzo for this candid conversation with Attorney Leslie Abrigo as talk about the uncomfortable issue of finances in marriage, especially second + marriages, and how to protect your finances.
This will be a streamed event. Please come and learn. Its free!
Ms. Leslie Abrigo featured on The Pulse!
Ms. Abrigo’s interview with The Pulse San Diego aired on Cox channel 4. She speaks briefly about her practice, family law and why it’s important to safeguard your assets.
You Will Know What To Expect
Direct communication is a hallmark of our practice. You are a person at our office, not just another case. We work as a team to make sure that anyone in our office will be able to answer questions about you case, should that need arise. To that end, we believe that people deserve to know what to expect. This includes everything from possible outcomes to fees. We work hard to make sure you will understand how your case progresses. An educated client is our most effective asset. When people understand the process and the impact of their decisions, they make smart choices that leave them well-positioned when all is said and done.
“If you could, I’d appreciate if you could give a very heartfelt “thank you” to the entire team for all of the work done on this case. Having my daughter back in my life has meant more to me than I can articulate. I know it’s very easy to think of your work as work often enough, but the work of the team has made a significant impact on my life.” -C.I.
“I want to tell you that it was a pleasure meeting you and that I always felt I was in the best of hands and totally protected. Muchas Gracias! In hindsight, my only regret is that I didn’t go to court earlier, much earlier….all in all I think you did a GREAT job….and the outcome was a good one for us….I hope I won’t be needing your legal expertise again soon but, if I do, I know who to call… you are fab! Thank you very, very much!” -L.E
“I know its been some time now, but I wanted to thank you for your help and support during the time you represented me, I really appreciate all your support and advice. I know it was only a short period of time, but it was definitively enough to show your expertise and knowledge on this matter, but most of all that you really care for my well-being and I am really grateful for that.” -R.C.
“Thanks @Abrigolaw for all your patience and help.” – C.I.
Trust Us To Help Secure The Future You Deserve
When you are facing diìcult family law situations, you deserve to have representation you trust working toobtain the outcomes that will help you most. Genesis Family Law is there fo r you. To schedule a consultation call with Leslie L. Abrigo 619-422-7722 Colleen A. Warren 858- 275-2055 or Contact us Online.

Schedule A Consultation With An Attorney
Chula Vista Office
660 Bay Blvd.
Suite 212
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Chula Vista Law Office Map
Mission Valley Office
2655 Camino del Rio North
Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92108
Mission Valley Law Office Map