Hiding Assets in a California Divorce
“Revenge Doesn’t Stop”: The Hidden Cost of Hiding Assets in a California Divorce California law requires full transparency between divorcing spouses to ensure proper division of the parties’ assets and debts, as well as accurate support orders. Often, however, a...
Can I Get a Divorce in California if I Was Married in Another Country?
If you are a current resident of California but were married in another country and considering divorce, you may wonder if you can get divorced in California. The simple, lawyerly answer is, “Yes . . . most likely.” California recognizes valid marriages performed in...
Equitable Child Support Calculations
A Guide to Understanding California’s SB 343 Child support orders are fundamental to ensuring a child’s welfare. Equitable child support orders are fundamental to effective co-parenting and each parent’s financial stability. On September 1, 2024, California enacted...
Financial Resources to Escape Domestic Violence
Help! I Can’t Leave! I Have No Money! Domestic violence victims face many challenges making leaving their abuser difficult, including lacking the financial resources to leave. On January 1, 2021, the California Legislature expanded California Family Code section...
¿Es válida mi acuerdo prenupcial?
Un acuerdo prenupcial, también conocido como prenup, puede protegerte a ti y a tus bienes de caer en manos de tu cónyuge. Un acuerdo prenupcial es un acuerdo celebrado por dos individuos antes de contraer matrimonio legalmente. Curiosamente, un acuerdo prenupcial no...
Is My Prenuptial Agreement Valid?
A Prenuptial Agreement, otherwise known as a prenup, can often protect you and your assets from falling prey to your spouse. A prenuptial agreement is an agreement entered by two individuals prior to being legally married. Interestingly enough, a prenuptial agreement...
Mascotas En El Divorcio
Para muchos, nuestras mascotas son miembros de nuestra familia. Cuando las familias se divorcian, tenemos leyes que establecen los estándares y políticas para determinar un plan de crianza para padres e hijos. Pero, ¿qué pasa con las mascotas? ¿Cómo se navega en el...
Pets In Divorce
For many, our pets are our family members. When families get divorced, we have laws setting forth the standards and policies for determining a parenting plan for parents and children. But what about pets? How do you navigate sharing custody of family pets? For many...
Modificando la Custodia Infantil Después de que se Establece una Orden de Custodia “Permanente”
Los asuntos de custodia infantil suelen ser complejos y emocionalmente intensos, requiriendo una consideración cuidadosa del mejor interés del niño. En California, cuando se ha establecido una orden Montenegro, los padres pueden encontrarse enfrentando la necesidad de...
Modifying Child Custody After A “Permanent” Custody Order is Made
Child custody matters are often complex and emotionally charged, requiring careful consideration of the child's best interests. In California, when a Montenegro order has been established, parents may find themselves facing the need for modifications. Whether due to...
Protegiendo sus Inversiones Inmobiliarias: Navegando por el Divorcio y las Asociaciones Comerciales en California
La inversión en bienes raíces en California no se trata solo de adquirir propiedades; se trata de comprender el intrincado panorama legal que rige estas inversiones. Para aquellos que han formado entidades para poseer sus bienes raíces, cuando se añade la complicación...
Protecting Your Real Estate Investments: Navigating Divorce & Business Partnerships in California
Real estate investment in California is not just about acquiring properties; it's about understanding the intricate legal landscape that governs these investments. For those who have formed entities to own their real estate, when you throw in the complication of a...
Navegando por Audiencias de Quejas del Bienestar Infantil: Una Guía para Familias en Búsqueda de Justicia
Introducción: Inmediatamente después de recibir una llamada y/o una "tarjeta de llamada" solicitando que usted o sus hijos sean entrevistados por los Servicios de Protección Infantil/Servicios de Bienestar Infantil ("CPS"/"CWS"), es imperativo que se comunique con un...
Navigating Child Welfare Grievance Hearings: A Guide for Families Seeking Justice
Introduction: Immediately upon receiving a phone call and/or a “calling card” requesting you or your children be interviewed by a Child Protective Services/Child Welfare Services (“CPS”/ “CWS”), it is imperative you reach out to an attorney who has experience dealing...
Navegando por los Servicios de Bienestar Infantil en San Diego: Orientación Legal Experta para Familias
Subtítulo: Protegiendo el Futuro de Tu Familia en Medio de Investigaciones del Bienestar Infantil Servicios de Bienestar Infantil (CWS) en el Condado de San Diego: Lo Que Necesitas Saber Los Servicios de Bienestar Infantil (CWS) desempeñan un papel crucial para...
Navigating Child Welfare Services in San Diego: Expert Legal Guidance for Families
Protecting Your Family's Future Amid Child Welfare Investigations Child Welfare Services (CWS) in San Diego County: What You Need to Know Child Welfare Services (CWS) plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in San Diego County. For...
Manutención conyugal
Manutención conyugal: una visión general La manutención conyugal, también conocida como pensión alimenticia, es un pago ordenado por el tribunal que un cónyuge debe hacer al otro cónyuge después de un divorcio o separación. En California, la manutención conyugal es...
Spousal Support
Spousal Support: A General Overview Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a court-ordered payment that one spouse must make to the other spouse after a divorce or separation. In California, spousal support is a complex issue with many factors that must be taken...
Cosas militares que debes saber
Cosas que los miembros militares o veteranos deben saber sobre el Tribunal de Familia en California. El dinero que recibes para el alojamiento y la asignación de comida o discapacidad, aunque no es imponible, aún se considera como ingreso para fines de manutención de...
Military Things You Should Know
Things about Family Court in California that Military Members or Veterans should know. The monies you receive for housing and food allowance or disability, though non-taxable, is still considered as income for child support (and spousal support) purposes. California...

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