Dedicated To Helping You Reach A Fair Division Of Assets
At Genesis Family Law, in Chula Vista, and San Diego, California, we pride ourselves on our ability to sort out complex financial records. When you and your spouse decide to get divorced and you have a complex financial situation, we can guide you through the process to make sure that:
- Assets are split fairly
- Your spouse does not try to hide any assets
- Your rights to spousal support are protected
- Your child gets proper support, if applicable
- Small businesses are correctly valued
With a complicated divorce and a relatively high net worth, you may be looking at more than the “normal” assets. You could also have vacation homes, boats, investment portfolios, stock options, retirement accounts, offshore accounts, assets tied up in business ventures and much more.
We have more than 80 years of combined experience, and most of our attorneys are California Bar Board Certified Family Law Specialists. We shine in complex cases. We have done this many times before, and we can help you sort everything out properly. We value communication and relationships with our clients, every step of the way.
Community Property
One thing to note about California is that it is a community property state. This means that almost everything – excluding gifts or an inheritance given specifically to one spouse, for example – is considered community property. You and your spouse own it together, and it needs to be divided in a divorce.
In fact, if you commingle your assets, even gifts and inheritances can be owned jointly. For instance, if you received an inheritance and then kept it in a joint checking account, that may give your spouse a right to it.
Many people disagree on what constitutes separate and marital property during divorce, and we use our expertise to help you sort it out according to California law.
How To Contact Us
Take control of your future. Learn about your rights. Give us a call at our Chula Vista office at 619-422-7722 or call us at our San Diego office at 858-275-2055, or contact us online.
Family Law
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) or Assisted Reproduction
Child Custody and Support
Divorce / Domestic Violence
Mediation and Discovery Referee Services
Prenuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements
Spousal Support
High-Net Worth Divorce
Complex Property Division
Dividing Retirement And Investments
How Is A Business Divided In A Divorce?
Uncovering Assets

Schedule A Consultation With An Attorney
Chula Vista Office
660 Bay Blvd.
Suite 212
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Chula Vista Law Office Map
Mission Valley Office
2655 Camino del Rio North
Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92108
Mission Valley Law Office Map